Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Katie's Easter Pictures / 1 year old pictures

Couldn't resist getting Katie's pictures taken in her Easter dress. Plus it was so close to her 1st birthday I decided not to resist. Caralee Case took the photos and she was great. I think they turned out beautiful.
We tried and tried but Katie just did not want to smile for us. But I love her serious face.
She looks so grown up now. It is hard to think she is my baby and growing so fast.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Katie's 1st Birthday

I can't believe it has been a year! My baby has grown up so fast. Katie now has one tooth, and is walking all around the furniture. She hasn't ventured off yet on her own but I am sure it is not far off. I got her her own red velvet cupcake for her birthday and she had no idea what to do with it. I squished her hand into it and she looked at me like, why did you do that. She was not impressed and didn't eat much of the cupcake at all. I don't think she likes to get dirty. I think some of it though is from no experience eating table food. Katie just barely started eating anything from the table because she has had a really sensitive gag reflex. We even had a hard time getting her to eat stage 3 baby food. She seems to be doing better now but we have to continue to watch it because this can be a problem stemmed from her heart condition. Other than that she is just doing great! Chubby, getting into everything, and oh so happy. Her hair is now so long that if not in a pony, she can't see much of anything. I hope that someday she will be able to leave the bands in her hair.

Austin just loves his baby sister. He is always kissing and snuggling on her.

There's my baby's cheezy grin.

Happy Birthday Katie! We love you so much and are so happy to have you in our little family. We experienced miracle's when you came into our lives, and I can't wait to see what Heavenly Father has in store for you.